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Submission conditions:


Sale of animals only to people over the age of 18.

Offspring are only released after they have been able to work independently at least 10 times without any problems   have eaten, have been examined by our reptile-trained veterinarian and do not show any other abnormalities.

The sex of the donated animals is carried out by our reptilian veterinarian to the best of our knowledge and belief, but without guarantee.

Binding reservations are only accepted with a deposit (determined depending on the animal) and the name / address of the buyer. If the buyer jumps or does not pick it up, this will not be refunded! This also applies to shipping costs that have already been incurred! For animals that are already ready to hand in, 4 weeks is the longest reservation time. Longer reservations require personal agreement!

Reservations of animals automatically expire after two weeks without prior agreement if they have not been paid for and / or picked up in full by then. In this case, the reservation fee will be retained and will not be refunded!

We cancel the reservation for certain reasons  on, the deposit will of course be refunded!

at  The buyer will collect the animals  corresponding transport container with.

The price information is an expense allowance for the expenses incurred in breeding and rearing, such as veterinary and feed costs.

After the animals have been handed over, we are not liable for illnesses, consequential damage or even the loss of the animal.

Claims for damages cannot be asserted.

Desired shipping (at suitable temperatures!), Please inquire directly and will only take place via a certified animal shipping company!

Allgemeine Infos


0.1 Weibchen, 1.0 Männchen


Der Ursprung des Tessera Gens ist noch weitgehend ungeklärt. Es ist nicht auszuschließen das es sich dabei um einen Hybriden Ursprung handelt. Dies gilt auch für alle Nachzuchten die dieses Gen tragen.



Unsere Zuchttiere mit Sunkissed und Okeetee Genen sind durch Testverpaarungen zu 98,66% Stargazer frei getestet. 


Unsere Webseite ist kein Onlineshop oder ähnliches mit Bestellfunktionen. Bei Interesse an einem oder mehreren unserer Tiere kontaktieren Sie uns bitte über unsere "Kontakt" Seite mit Angabe der Tiernummer. Alles weitere kann per Email oder in einem persönlichen Gespräch geklärt werden.

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